Monday, December 17, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thing #3: RSS

Here we go, I am jumping in and setting this up.  After doing a few of these "things" I find that they are interesting, probably would enrich my day, but find I can live without them.  There is so much information in these feeds that it is mind bogging and can easily be overwhelming.
I am setting up the Google Reader since I have a Google account and I am in the early stages of setting up a Netvibes page just to experience it.
I am really enjoying this course and all of the components and that it is self pace, but sometimes I need a reality check to keep up on things.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thing #2 - Online Communities

Well, I am looking at the Twitter website and checking out the tweets, but I think that is about all I am comfortable doing at the moment.  I do have a Facebook page, but for some reason Twitter looks a little more complicated so not yet ready to dive in.
Will check out the recommended hashtags and different blogs.
The sun is shining for a change and it feels good.  Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Recharged and Ready to Go

Hope everyone is up and running again after the "Great" storm Sandy. I did not lose power, but did get a day off from school because they lost power. Lots of things happening at school  to get everyone up and running again.
Hope to move onto Topic 2 soon, it sounds interesting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blogging again

I'm sitting here watching it rain outside and thought I would share. I still need to figure out what to blog about because I feel I tend to chat about things in a random way and feel it should connect somehow, but am sure I will get the hang of it sometime.  hope others are enjoying this course, can't wait for part 2.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blogging - day 3

well, I made it to day 3 and a 3rd post, yippee I am so proud of myself.  The sun is shining today and it is suppose to warm up which would be nice.
I keep thinking to myself - what do I write about and I think maybe about work or hobbies & such, really don't want to bore everyone.
I work in a high school computer lab.  I spent over 20 years at the elementary level and it is difficult to adjust to the age difference, but I am slowly getting the hang of it.  In fact I am seeing some of the students I had when they were young and short and now they are taller than me, but for the most part are still that young kid I loved when I was at Valley Elem.
At home I love to garden and getting new plants to grow is awesome especially the way the prices are at the store.  I grow violets and have gotten pretty good at keeping them alive for more than a year or so.
Well, better get back to my day job.  I must say I am enjoying this course and can't wait to see what comes next.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blogging - take 2

I did not know how little I know about this blogging thing and that was motivation to give this course a whirl.  I am trying to understand how this works and I am sure it will get easier as I progress through the course.

Thing #1: Blogging

October 16th - I am just getting this up and running after being totally confused on how to create a name to get on to the blog.
I live in the  small town of Potter and work in a small school district in upsate New York.
I am in charge of the high school computer lab and also assist the staff with technology and enjoy going to work everyday.